Business in Daugavpils and Latgale Special Economic Zone

LatgaleSpecial Economic Zone operates from January 2017. In order to present the advantages of
Latgale SEZ for business development to the entrepreneurs Daugavpils City Council in cooperation
with the Latgale Planning Region organizes the informative conference "Business in Daugavpils
and Latgale SEZ" on 3'd March 2017 in Daugavpils.
Daugavpils is the largest city in Latgale region; the third of the economy of Latgale is concentrated
in the city. Why not to start a business right here? Developed infrastructure and accessibility of a
qualified labour force, manufacturing traditions and educational opportunities - these are additional
bonuses for the development of entrepreneurship in Daugavpils.
During the conference, experls will express their views on how entrepreneurs can gain maximum
return through the benefits provided by the Special Economic Zone. Before the conference,
interested parties, according to their applications, will be provided with the opportunity to meet with
the owners of vacant premises in the industrial zones, as well as to visit specific production areas or
enterprises with the prior consent of the owners of the enterprises.
Contact person: Olga Tolmacova, Head of the Office for Strategic Planning and Foreign Affairs at
the Development Department of Daugavpils City Council, (+371) 20089634,
o I ga. to lma c ov a@daug avpil s. lv.
Business in Daugavpils and Latgale Special Economic Zone
March 3, 2017, Daugavpils
Venue: Pak Hotel “Latgola”, Ģimnāzijas Street 46, 3rd floor, conference hall
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
11.00–11.30 Registration, coffee
11.30–12.00 Opening of the Conference
12.30–13.00 Advantages of Latgale Special Economic Zone
Latgale Planning Region
13.00 -13.30 Support Methods of Daugavpils City Council for Entrepreneurs
Daugavpils City Council
13.30-14.00 Opportunities to Place a Plant in Daugavpils
13.30-13.40 Industrial – Technological Park "DITTON"
13.40-13.50 “Dauer Holding”
13.50-14.00 “NP Properties”
14.00 -14.15 Support Programs for Employers and Daugavpils Vacancy Fair 2017 of National Employment Agency
Latvian National Employment Agency, Daugavpils branch
14.15-14.30 State support for entrepreneurs
ALTUM Daugavpils consultation office
14.30–15.00 Coffee break
15:00-17:00 B2B Space for Individual Discussions
15.00-16.00 Discussion on Practical Issues of Latgale Special Economic Zone
16.00-17.00 Daugavpils Business Incubator – Support for Business Launching
Daugavpils Business Incubator
19.00–21.00 Business Networking Dinner, restaurant “Plaza”
Business in Daugavpils and Latgale Special Economic Zone
March 3, 2017, Daugavpils
Venue: Pak Hotel “Latgola”, Ģimnāzijas Street 46, 3rd floor, conference hall
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
11.00–11.30 Registration, coffee
11.30–12.00 Opening of the Conference
12.30–13.00 Advantages of Latgale Special Economic Zone
Latgale Planning Region
13.00 -13.30 Support Methods of Daugavpils City Council for Entrepreneurs
Daugavpils City Council
13.30-14.00 Opportunities to Place a Plant in Daugavpils
13.30-13.40 Industrial – Technological Park "DITTON"
13.40-13.50 “Dauer Holding”
13.50-14.00 “NP Properties”
14.00 -14.15 Support Programs for Employers and Daugavpils Vacancy Fair 2017 of National Employment Agency
Latvian National Employment Agency, Daugavpils branch
14.15-14.30 State support for entrepreneurs
ALTUM Daugavpils consultation office
14.30–15.00 Coffee break
15:00-17:00 B2B Space for Individual Discussions
15.00-16.00 Discussion on Practical Issues of Latgale Special Economic Zone
16.00-17.00 Daugavpils Business Incubator – Support for Business Launching
Daugavpils Business Incubator
19.00–21.00 Business Networking Dinner, restaurant “Plaza”