Rectorship of SSE Riga

Announcement from the Foreign Investors Council in Latvia on the rectorship of the SSE Riga
27 January 2017
Foreign Investors Council in Latvia (FICIL) is alarmed by the recent announcements reported
by media that the prolongation of Dr Anders Paalzow’s Rectorship of SSE Riga is in doubt
due to Dr. Paalzow’s insufficient knowledge of the Latvian language. This decision is
incomprehensible and inconsistent with the statements and aims to develop the Latvian
higher education system as a center of excellence, an export opportunity and a magnate for
global and local talent attraction.
Environment of the higher education in Latvia, as we see it today, is more closed off than in
other universities in the world. Partly, it is defined by the existing regulatory restrictions that
currently undermine the quality of the entire higher education and limit potential for
international exposure, academic growth and excellency. Latvian higher education system
needs and deserves a legal framework that facilitates its openness to international academic
society, creates synergies and stimulates Latvia’s international competitiveness.
We believe there is a close connection between internationalisation of the higher education
system and the international competitiveness of a country. Openness to international society
and exchange of know-how should be set as a priority of the higher education development in
Latvia. And that includes attraction of international talent.
The Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga) has been an excellent asset to the
Latvian higher education system, contributing to the creation of a sustainable and knowledge
based economy in Latvia and is highly valued by the international business and investment
community in Latvia.
Marta Jaksona
Foreign Investors Council in Latvia
Executive Director