SCCL Annual General Meeting announced

Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia invites all the Members to the Annual General Meeting chaired by the Honorary Chairman of SCCL Ambassador of Sweden Henrik Landerholm.
Mrs Vaira Vike - Freiberga, former President of Latvia will address the audience with a keynote speech. There will be a short economy overview presented by the chief economist of "Swedbank" Martinš Kazaks, who will analyze the current and future economic situation in Latvia.
The Board will present activity report for the year 2013, discuss the financial situation and budget for 2014, propose membership fees 2015. Election of a new Board will be held as well.
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Time: 14.00 (registration from 13:30)
Venue: Conference hall at "Swedbank" main office ("Saules Akmens"), 1a Balasta Dambis.
Admissions: free of charge, members only
Registration: by sending email before May, 19th, 2014
13.30. - 13.55. Registration
14.00-14.05 Welcoming address by Mr. Thomas Hellstrom, Chairman of the SCCL
14.05 –14.30 Key note speech by Mrs Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, former President of Latvia (Q & A)
14.30. - 14.45. Economy overview by the chief economist of "Swedbank" Mr Mārtiņš Kazāks
14.45. –15.00. Short Break (preparation for the AGM)
15.00. - 16.30. General Meeting:
- Opening the Meeting
- Report on Activities 2013
- Approval of Financial Report and Auditors Report 2013
- Approval of Budget 2014
- Board Elections 2014
16.30. - .. Networking Reception