Charity GOLF Tournament 2018
The First Charity Golf Tournament organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia in close collaboration with association Dzivesprieks/Livslust gathered 38 golfers to compete for the SCCL Charity Golf Cup. The excellent Sunday golf challenge is completed and we hereby proudly announce the results:
1st place and the Chamber Charity Golf Cup goes to Ieva Priedīte & Andris Priedītis
2nd place: Anda Vaišļa & Guntars Vaišļa
3rd place: Jānis Taukačs & Guntars Krols
The Chamber expresses its gratitude to the Tournament hosts - Reiņa Trase and particularly Līva for excellent cooperation, support & hospitality.
The organizers also thank everybody who contributed to the scholarship fund of Livslust Study Support Program.
images of the tournament:
You are very welcome to the First Charity Golf Tournament organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia in close collaboration with association Dzivesprieks/Livslust.
Your participation and contribution will help to rise the scholarship fund as all proceeds from the Charity Golf Tournament go to Dzivesprieks-Livslust Study Support Program that is set to help vulnerable youngsters in Latvia with a monthly scholarship for their studies at Vocational School or University in Latvia.
WHEN: SUNDAY, 27 May 2018, at 11 am, registration from 10 am
WHERE: Reinis Golf Club in Sigulda,
Register NOW or by latest May 24 to the Swedish Chamber:
- Special info: GOLF FOR BEGINNERS group under the lead of professional trainer also available on the day. Sign up with special remark: “beginner” (the same package fee as for the tournament players plus golf equipment included!)
*Sponsorship for the Study Support Program & donations for the prizes are welcome (use this opportunity to promote your company and your services through the Chamber network!). Contact the Chamber office to find out more!
Additional information below:
* The event will be photographed for the SCCL illustration and information purposes. Please notify the SCCL office, if you do not want to be photographed.