Latvia’s women – the most active early-stage entrepreneurs in Europe

According to the latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013-2014 (GEM) report, females in Latvia with a share of 10% of all adult females (aged 18 to 64) are the most actively involved in early-stage entrepreneurial activity compared to females in other European countries. The gender gap between men’s and women’s participation still exists. At the same time, the ability of adults in Latvia to see new business opportunities, self-assessment of business abilities and skills, as well as entrepreneurial expectations regarding growth (in terms of jobs) of their business have grown significantly.
The report is produced by the Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS) in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga) with the financial support of the SCCL Corporate Memeber
TeliaSonera and the TeliaSonera Institute at SSE Riga.
More about report and download here