Knowledge sharing training program/ Labās prakses pārņemšanas apmācības eksportspējas veicināšanai

On June 9, from 9:00 – 10:00 an online discussion takes place with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) about new funding program Knowledge sharing training/ Labās prakses pārņemšanas apmācības eksportspējas veicināšanai/ to boost export capacity. Available funding per company is up to 75 000 EUR (85-100% intensity if company has DeMinimis) and can be used for employee training purposes. Open call application deadline June 27, 2022. Training can be implemented until September 30, 2023.

Discussion language: Latvian

Eligible costs:

  • Training fee
  • Trainer's salary if an affiliated or a partner company provides the training
  • Equipment rental, as well as depreciation costs for computer software and licenses
  • Travel, transport, and subsistence expenses for employees
  • Remuneration of employees during the training

Find out more about the funding program and application conditions in this link.

If interested to participate in the meeting, please contact the Chamber at by June 7.