Event "How Competitive is Latvia?" was a Success


On April 29, the Outlook Seminar “How Competitive is Latvia?” organized by the American Chamber of Commerce, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, and the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia attracted near 100 participants.

The event started with presenting the Investment Sentiment Survey conducted by FICIL. Lacking of stability, transparency and consistency in decision makings, lacking of qualified labor forces, and worth concerning grey economy in some industries were among the results worth highlighting.  

The event was followed by the presentations of the Minister of Economics, the Governor of Bank of Latvia, and representatives from the World Economic Forum and foreign investors in Latvia. Approaches like encouraging more students to pursue engineering/technology studies, pushing structural reforms, particular in education sector, improving infrastructures like road conditions, and etc. were suggested to enhance Latvia’s competitiveness and attracting foreign direct investments. The event was ended with an interactive debate between the speakers and the participants.

If you would like to receive the presentations from the speakers, please contact coordinator@scc.lv