Baltic Sea Future

Baltic Sea Future, a two-day congress in Stockholm held on the 6-7 March 2017.
Baltic Sea Future will address the challenges in the Baltic Sea region, focusing on the key role of municipalities. The Baltic Sea is loved, needed and polluted, and municipalities are the hubs who can coordinate interests, engage local citizens, turn scientific results into action, and handle the challenges to create a sustainable future for the Baltic Sea.
At Baltic Sea Future key stakeholders from the Baltic Sea countries will gather to share knowledge, motivation, best practices and tools. They will be inspired by municipalities that have succeeded, scientists who know what is needed, companies providing innovations and techniques that can do it, and agencies that can help them reach their vision.
Welcome to Stockholm 6-7 March 2017.
To mayors, leading civil servants, researchers, business and agency leaders in the Baltic Sea region
Most welcome to Baltic Sea Future, a two-day congress in Stockholm held on the 6-7 March 2017.
Baltic Sea Future will address the challenges in the Baltic Sea region, focusing on the key role of municipalities. The Baltic Sea is loved, needed and polluted, and municipalities are the hubs who can coordinate interests, engage local citizens, turn scientific results into action, and handle the challenges to create a sustainable future for the Baltic Sea.
A healthy Baltic Sea means different things to different people. For some, it means a thriving tourist industry leading to new jobs. For others, it means ensuring continued fishing possibilities. For others yet, it means providing your grandchildren with the same opportunities for sea life experiences as your grandparents had. For municipality mayors, a healthy Baltic Sea is a prerequisite to reach the UN Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
We have the technology, we have the knowledge. What we need now is an innovative, visionary and multidisciplinary leadership!
At Baltic Sea Future key stakeholders from the Baltic Sea countries will gather to share knowledge, motivation, best practices and tools. They will be inspired by municipalities that have succeeded, scientists who know what is needed, companies providing innovations and techniques that can do it, and agencies that can help them reach their vision.
Inauguration and welcome speech by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria, UN appointed Sustainable Development Goals Advocate.
We hope that also you would like to take part in the Baltic Sea Future, and hereby cordially invite you to register as a delegate to the conference.
Contact the project team
Jan Söderhielm
Stockholmsmässan AB
Project manager Baltic Sea Future and sales
+46 70 789 41 31
Marmar Nekoro
Baltic Sea Centre/Stockholm University
Project manager Baltic Sea Future. Responsible for content.
+46 (0)8 674 71 05