Hifab is leading the construction of tomorrow’s sustainable society

With increased vaccination rates globally and better knowledge on how to tackle the Covid-19 Pandemic, Hifab is prepared to support the building-back-better at its selected markets. We have re-formulated our strategy to further strengthen the important work we can contribute with when building a future sustainable and inclusive world. Our new vision is simply phrased as “Hifab is leading the construction of tomorrow’s sustainable society”. We remain project management specialists and exist for those that own, develop, manage and use real estate and infrastructure. We continue to be responsive to our clients’ wishes and expectations and to value our deliverables, now complemented by professional advice and support regarding sustainability.
In Latvia during the last years we have had two main customers, Artex Latvia and Schneider Electric, developing their premises from the beginning till present third and fourth stages of their projects, reaching the investment levels of 5 million and 6 million EUR respectively.
We are open for new projects in the near future.
Pictures of Artex Latvia and Schneider Electric projects in Latvia, attached.
Hifab logo, attached too.
Our contacts details:
Kåre Sundin
Hifab International | office +46 10 476 6677 | mobile+46 76 840 0907 | kare.sundin@hifab.se
Imants Stonans
Hifab SIA | mobile+371 29 414729 | imants.stonans@hifab.lv