Sodra Latvia
Industry: | Forestry |
Website: | |
Contact person: | Bjorn Fredriksson |

Sodra Latvia owns more than 100 thousands hectares of productive forest area in Latvia, of which 2/3 is forest area with a standing volume of 10,6 million cub/m. The forestry operations of Sodra Latvia are dedicated towards ensuring that the volume of felled timber is balanced out by the volume of newly planted and regenerated forest. The most effective long-term investment is the afforestation of unforested land having little value. It is planned to fell 250 000 cub/m of timber in LAtvia; in turn, the planned volume increment is at least 410 000 cub/m. Sodra Latvia plans to afforest at least 500 hectares of unforested land in Latvia annualy, as well as afforest 1000hectare of cutovers. Sodra Latvia offers various cooperation opportunities in Latvia: timber sales, land property rent, acquisition and exchange, plant procurement and purchase of forestry and other services necessary to the company. Sodra Latvia is a doughter company of Södra in Sweden, the world leading forest industry group owned by 51000 privat forestowners in Sweden. Södra was founded 80 years ago and have business in Latvia for some 20 years!