Latvian Foster Family Association
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Contact person: | Ilze Golvere |

The Latvian Foster Family Association was founded in 1994. Our mission is to support families that raise children who have been left without the care of their biological parents.
In order to achieve its mission, the Latvian Foster Family Association has set the following goals:
• To promote the social inclusion of children and youth under the care of foster parents and guardians. This includes organizing various events for children (Easter, Christmas), culture events for families and the EU youth exchange program.
• To provide assistance to foster families and guardians. This includes attracting financial and in-kind support to foster families, including food and clothing.
• To serve as a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge among its members and partners. Activities include hosting informative seminars and conferences on various children rights issues and on the duties of foster parents and guardians.
• To promote cooperation with the state and regional authorities, NGOs and the private sector in raising awareness about alternative child care, and to achieve a positive change in family policy.
• To raise awareness of the work of foster families and guardians. Activities include regular communication with the media about the events and activities of LFFA.
For donations : Latvian Foster Family Association account at
Citadeles banka, Konta Nr.:LV79PARX0000233751014
Thank you!